Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an alternative healing system for oriental medicine developed in China more than 5,000 years ago. It uses techniques that, in some cases, are even older. TCM understands how the human body interacts with all aspects of life and the environment, including the seasons, weather, time of day, food and emotional states.
It considers the harmonious and balanced functioning of body and mind as the key to health, and "affirms that the vital energy of the body: Qi, circulates through channels, called meridians, connected to organs and body functions".
Its vision of the human body is marginally concerned with the anatomical structure but focuses mainly on the body's functions (such as digestion, breathing, temperature level etc.)
22 Rue Anne de Bretagne
37700 La Ville Aux Dames
06 65 06 11 00
66 av. des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris (France)