Fundamentals and Naturopathic Principles

AIMA Fondementsaturopathiques2

  • Presentation

    Man has always drawn from nature the necessary elements to preserve its vitality e.g a varied diet adapted to places and climates, physical exercises in search of food, omnipresence of water for its internal balance. We understand how Hippocrates was able to popularise Nature’s path but he went further by using the healing nature too.

    History has left us with the experiences of countless pioneers to lead us today to modern naturopathy, which is the result of millions of clinical cases followed by various health professionals. 

    Naturopathy is the set of all natural health methods, it takes into account the totality of Man in his physical, psycho-emotional and energetic aspects, his healing vitality, the circulating humors (blood, lymph, interstitial fluid...) and goes to the origins of dysfunctions. So here are the three concepts that Hippocrates bequeathed to us: vitalism, causalism and humorism.

    It is now up to us to take care of nature and the human who both share these gifts.

  • Objectives

    • Know the basics of naturopathy

    • Understand how emunctories work

    • Understand the importance of the digestive system


    Course Content 

    Naturopathic Principes and Foundations 
    • Introduction
    • Naturopathic principles and foundations: their evolution since antiquity
    • Humoral overloads seen by the different schools
    • Toxemia and emunctorial drainage
    • Alternative therapies and the notion of terrain
    • The disease and the 3 naturopathic stages
    • The naturopath's consultation: an anamnesis
    • Bibliography
    • Test your knowledge 
  • Practical Information

    • 25 hours of E-learning training
    • 15 to 25 hours of personal work
    • Online study
    • The course alone : 250 €

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22 Rue Anne de Bretagne
37700 La Ville Aux Dames

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The head office

66 av. des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris (France)
