"May your food be your medicine and medicine be your food"
Hippocrates 400 years BC
The famous Hippocratic line dating back more than 2000 years is now scientifically confirmed. Due to the discovery of the gut microbiota and intestinal flora, we now know that even our genes are "recreated" with the foods we eat.
We now know that food has a huge impact on our health.
Our diet not only influences our health, but also plays a huge role in our mood, our physical and mental performance, and even in how we socialise! What we will become tomorrow depends essentially on what we eat today.
Nutrition is therefore a major pillar of any natural and alternative method. The best natural healing clinics in the world cure most degenerative problems through nutrition and mind management.
At AIMA, you will learn that there is no ideal diet for everyone, that’s why we encourage personalised diet.
Nevertheless, all living organisms on this planet eat a group of foods for which their digestive systems are designed; therefore, there is a common basis. Our diet is good as long as we digest it, so we will constantly create parallels between digestion and nutrition.