Smells accompany us throughout the day, whether pleasant or unpleasant, they are in any case carriers of information that via the olfactory bulb will stimulate our memory to bring back memories or emotions.
Used since antiquity, aromatherapy is a very powerful natural practice that requires special attention, because even if it is natural it can be dangerous without a thorough knowledge of the active ingredients of each essential oil.
The Romans called aromatic medicine: "the quintessence" (the fifth essence of life).
So it can be useful to improve many disorders and dysfunctions, to maintain health and provide the body with a feeling of physical and emotional well-being.
Know olfactotherapy
How to prepare customised synergies
Learn the link between Essential Oils and Energy
Practical: Using Essential Oils by system
Study of Essential Oils in physiological dysfunctions
22 Rue Anne de Bretagne
37700 La Ville Aux Dames
06 65 06 11 00
66 av. des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris (France)